OK, so tomorrow...or today depending when you read this (November 11th), my best friend is being induced. They are having their 5th child. Their second girl. She has everything...her fourth child is a girl, so they have clothes, blankets, everything you can think of. I decided to make her baby announcements. I found this set from TAC called Hello Baby. I love it. I think it's just adorable. I knew when I saw the catalog that I had to get it to use on her cards.
Since diapers are white (ha, when clean anyway), I wanted it to stand out. I used Liquid Glass by Close To My Heart and sprinkled Close To My Heart glitter on it. When you heat Liquid glass and it gets hot, it bubbles up...so...I decided to do that on the diaper to give it some dimension.
Ang, if you are reading this...good luck. I love ya and I can't wait to meet our new baby girl!!!!
Karie this is gorgeous! I love it!!! and that stamp is just too stinkin' cute!
BTW...neat way to do the diaper! you're too talented chicky!
Those are AWESOME!
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