Hi ladies! Thank you all so much for participating in my blog challenge. I ask that you hang in there with me while I get the gift and my life back in order.
On February 26th, at just 33 week, I gave birth to our 4th child, Dominic! It was quite a stressful time! I had to have gall bladder surgery first which sent me into labor. I have one more surgery to go thru on Tuesday the 11th and then I will be back in working order. Actually, I will be in working order when Dominic gets to come home from the NICU, but I'll manage for now. He is doing well, he is not on any breathing machines, they are just waiting for him to eat. He hasn't learned how to suck and swallow. The nurses tell us that this doesn't develope until they are around 35 weeks, so hopefully soon, my little man can come home!!! He was still a big bady for being just 33 weeks.
He weighs 5 lbs 4 oz and is 18 1/2 inches long! He is loner than all 3 of our other kids at birth! LOL! Here is a picture of him compared to my husband's hand.
Let me tell you...I realized just how lucky we all are to have my wonderful hubby! He's a rock thru all of this! He is a wonderful man!!!!!! Honey...I love you more than you can ever imagine!!!!!